Ports, committed to the environment and for cleaner waters
Given the growing need for a more sustainable world, maritime transport should not be the exception, so the different ports... Continue Reading
Given the growing need for a more sustainable world, maritime transport should not be the exception, so the different ports... Continue Reading
Mexico City (24 May 2022). The new confinement in China again affects the delivery of inputs that are imported from... Continue Reading
ROTTERDAM—There is no clearly optimal marine fuel to power the current and future generation of cargo vessels, speakers said Thursday... Continue Reading
The Government mobilizes the 60 million euros destined to encourage trucks to get on the boat to decarbonize transport. The... Continue Reading
-Schuler, M., April 26h, 2022 Germany container shipping company Hapag-Lloyd has announced plans to equip its entire container fleet with... Continue Reading
Just under 500 seafarers remain stuck onboard 109 ships at Ukrainian ports – skeleton crews who were left on board... Continue Reading